Managing space & your health too

In a previous aeticle we talked about managing space (Managing Space) and how effective filing systems help achieve this and in the process reduce expense on floor space.

There is another possibly unforeseen benefit of a space efficient filing system too; your health.

No I am not talking about the number of squats you do to reach files on the bottom shelf in the tambour. I am talking about getting up out of your chair and moving around.

The logic goes like this. In the past we all had our files within easy access, in a caddy or pedestal or tambour that was either within arms reach or a quick scoot of the chair across the floor. Everything was easily retrievable and little to no energy was required for retrieval. This is the first clue of where I am going with this.

Now with a focus on space efficiency we have moved to shared or team file storage using larger tambours or mobile shelving systems to reduce the overall foot print taken up. Personal storage is decreasing and in some cases the death knell of the pedestal has sounded.

This leads to the fact you have to get up out of the chair and walk to retrieve files you wish to work on and then repeat the exercise to replace the file. As it turns out regular movement may just be the answer to a longer and healthier life. There is now a lot of discussion and research about how sitting for long periods at a time is bad for your overall health and the need for people to regularly get up and move is becoming more apparent.

Sitting is the new smoking is the catch cry so Records Managers you can be at the forefront of the healthy office working movement by designing a filing system that makes people move around the floor plate.

Sure there might be some moaning to start with but the long term benefits to the people and the business are there for the taking.